For starting Partnering please follow the instructions below.
Step by Step Guide
1. Register for Conference
You can register for the conference directly via Registration. After succesful registration we will send you an access to the partnering platform.
2. Complete your Company Personal Profile
When you first access the partnering platform basic information about your company will be available. We recommend to complete the profile with more detailed information.
Please regards our recommendations for a succesful partnering: (basis for money back guarantee)
3. Manage your availability
In your schedule you can manage your availabilty during the partnering slots. Clicking on "available" changes your disposibility to "unavailable".
4. Send and accept meeting requests
You can search for intersting organisations and sent their participants meeting requests.
Your meetings will be automatically scheduled!
A confirmed meeting will be scheduled automatically to a free timeslot. You don't have to worry about your meeting agenda.
Note: To get notification eMails for meetings requests or approvals, please keep the "disable emails" checkbox in the registration form unchecked!